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A Supportive Hug

What is Systemic Constellations

Traditionally, Family Constellation is a powerful method to help you recognise difficult entanglements,  in your family of origin, in your present family or relationship as well as in your business/organisation. Solution-oriented interventions bring understanding, which is followed by a deep relaxation that allows love to flow again between members of the family system/around the issue.

Systemic Family Therapy was first developed by the German therapist, Bert Hellinger. In this therapeutic approach, we consider the individual as part of a greater whole – a family system/a group – rather than as a separate entity. Ones individual behaviour, feelings and attitudes, have to be understood in the context of this larger group. As in any other system, unspoken laws operating  guide behaviour that we, as family members, are largely unaware of. Suffering usually arises in a family member when one or more members of the system unconsciously violate these archaic laws. They do this unknowingly, not out of rebelliousness as one might expect, but out of love – a ‘blind’ love.

A similar understanding is applied to the current issue/relationship/decision/organisation/business issues. We use a system of representation and tap into the knowing field to explore the issues an entanglements. 

I use Constellation work in this way as well as using elements of it as issues, decisions, and blocks surface in therapy.

I am a trained facilitator.

Some Applications:

  • family conflicts

  • business development

  • organisational conflicts

  • parenting concerns

  • couple dis-entangalments

  • decisions

  • opening to the new

  • sibling conflicts

  • feelings of un-ease

  • An awareness of family stories

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