Here's why you get TRIGGERED!
Whether you a coach, Entrepreneur, Thought Leader, of just Jane Blog, have you noticed that you may be scrolling on your newsfeed
Checking your emails
Or maybe driving down the street
and wham
suddenly you thinking of how to react to someone,
writing a post in your head
or even worse, thinking that this is about YOU
Whats happening in your BRAIN is that the data enters at the oldest part of your brain
🧠 Your brain scans itself looking for matches
💫 And wham it responds
It doesn't work in chronological time
Everything is happening right now
Did you also know, that there is a ⅓ second delay between receiving the data and reacting? Some research says its actually 11 secs!
What can YOU Do right NOW?
- Pause
- Take a few deep breaths
- give your brain some time for the information to reach the higher functioning part of the brain
AND there is more! We can actually change the automatic response! Say what?
🧠 We can go into that moment, BEFORE your brain hijacks with an automatic reaction
We can give it NEW options
Options that keep you calm
Options that allows you to RESPOND as your higher functioning parts of you brain 🧠 would.
AND you can make that happen as your automatic reaction
How cool is that!
💫 We can do this with past things that keep coming up
💫 Traumatic events and responses
💫 bullying on line
💫 newsfeed reactions, email reactions, that person
💫 we can do it for anxiety, fears
We can reprogram your reactions, to make them serve you, not hijack you
My clients walk away
🌟 feeling free
🌟 feeling lighter
🌟 being able to focus
🌟 being able to put their energy where they choose to
Work with me 1-1 and lets Unlock what happens for you and free you to live as you choose. to book a call.